The Crucial Role of Your CEO’s LinkedIn Profile in Employer Branding

Learn why your CEO’s LinkedIn profile is far more impactful for employer branding than your LinkedIn company page, with insights from Microsoft's approach.

The Crucial Role of Your CEO’s LinkedIn Profile in Employer Branding
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Guest writer: Chris J Reed

There is little doubt that when building your employer brand Linkedin is a critical platform. Afterall, it’s where your future hires all look for their next big opportunity, be that actively of passively.  While many companies focus on their LinkedIn company page, evidence suggests that it’s their CEO's personal LinkedIn profile that holds far greater potential for engagement and brand visibility. This article explores why you should be prioritizing your CEO’s LinkedIn presence over your company page, and how it can significantly boost your employer branding efforts.

The Power of Personal Connections on LinkedIn

People Follow People, Not Companies 

LinkedIn is a professional networking platform where individuals seek connections, insights, and opportunities from other individuals. The human aspect of LinkedIn is paramount; people are more inclined to engage with posts from other individuals rather than faceless company pages. Only when you truly grasp this premise can you unlock the full potential of Linkedin to build your employer brand.  

Microsoft: A Case Study 

To illustrate this point, let's examine Microsoft’s presence on LinkedIn. Despite having 23 million followers on its company page and over 200,000 employees connected, Microsoft's posts often receive minimal engagement, a handful of likes at best. Surprisingly, even as the owner of LinkedIn, Microsoft cannot guarantee that its content will be seen by its vast follower base. 

The Satya Nadella Effect 

In stark contrast, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella’s personal LinkedIn profile showcases significant engagement on his posts, usually running into thousands per post. Even when Nadella reshares the exact same content that was posted on the company page, his personal posts garner thousands of likes and hundreds of comments. This disparity highlights the influence and reach that a CEO can have on LinkedIn and why a faceless brand will never be able to elicit the same response.

Check it out for yourself: 

Why CEO’s LinkedIn Profile Matters

Authenticity and Trust 

A CEO’s profile exudes authenticity and personal touch, which fosters trust among followers. People resonate with stories, experiences, and insights shared by a real person, leading to higher engagement and stronger connections. The bigger the personal brand of your company leader, the bigger the effect.  

Enhanced Engagement 

The personal brand of a CEO can drive conversations and discussions that are unlikely to happen on a company page. Followers are more likely to interact with, share, and comment on content from a CEO they admire or find inspiring. 

The Multiplier Effect 

Content shared by a CEO is more likely to be further disseminated across LinkedIn. Employees, partners, and followers are more inclined to share posts from a CEO, amplifying the reach and impact of the message, than a faceless brand.  

Strategies to Leverage Your CEO’s LinkedIn Profile

Consistent and Authentic Posting 

Encourage your CEO to post regularly and authentically. This includes sharing insights, company milestones, industry trends, and personal reflections. Authenticity resonates more deeply than polished corporate content. If they don’t have the time, as many CEOs won’t, ghost write for them using a well-crafted style guide.  

Engage with Followers 

Interaction is key. Responding to comments, participating in discussions, and acknowledging feedback can significantly enhance engagement. It humanizes the CEO and, by extension, the company. Again, if the CEO doesn’t have the bandwidth for this, find someone who does.  

Showcase Company Culture 

Through the CEO’s posts, highlight the company culture, employee achievements, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of the organization. This offers potential candidates a more intimate look at what it’s like to work at your company and will amp up your employer brand much faster than similar posts coming from an impersonal company page. 

Leverage Visual Content 

Posts with visuals almost always perform better. Encourage your CEO to share photos, videos, and infographics that convey powerful messages and stories. Marrying rich media with a strong personal brand can make for powerful and impactful results.  


In the realm of employer branding, the data speaks for itself: a CEO’s LinkedIn profile can be far more effective than a company page. By leveraging the personal connection and authenticity that a CEO can offer, companies can enhance their employer brand, attract top talent, and foster deeper engagement. Follow the data, focus on your CEO’s LinkedIn presence, and witness the transformative benefits.   


How often should a CEO post on LinkedIn?

Consistency is key. Ideally, a CEO should post at least once a week to maintain visibility and engagement without overwhelming followers. 

Can a CEO delegate LinkedIn posting?

While the CEO can absolutely create or hire a team to assist with content creation, it’s crucial that posts maintain the CEO's voice and authenticity. Personal involvement is essential for genuine engagement. A style guide is highly recommended in these cases. 

How can a CEO’s LinkedIn profile impact recruitment? 

A CEO's active presence on LinkedIn will attract top talent by showcasing the company’s culture, values, vision, and achievements in a way that’s more engaging, personal, believable and far reaching than similar posts coming from a company page.

What types of content should a CEO share on LinkedIn? 

A mix of professional insights, personal reflections, company achievements, industry trends, and engaging visuals can keep the content diverse and interesting. 

Is it worth investing in LinkedIn advertising for employer branding? 

While LinkedIn advertising can boost results, the organic reach and engagement from a CEO’s profile often proves to be more impactful and cost-effective for employer branding. 

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Guest writer

Infamously known as “The Only CEO With A Mohawk”, Chris J Reed is the world’s number 1 LinkedIn Marketing and Personal Branding expert, and founder of Black Marketing, recognized globally by his notorious mohawk.

Chris J “Mohawk” Reed is a serial, global entrepreneur having created 5 and exited 4 marketing firms in Europe and now the Asia Pacific from his home, Singapore.

Chris has 4 No.1 international bestselling books, “Personal Branding Mastery For Entrepreneurs”, “LinkedIn Mastery For Entrepreneurs”, “Social Selling Mastery For Entrepreneurs” and “How To Become a LinkedIn Rock Star”.

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